Wednesday, May 6, 2020

World History The Worst Dictator of Them All Free Essays

string(52) " stand side by side against the Capitalist nations\." I will be comparing and contrasting three dictators, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. These three men are considered to be the world’s mass murdering dictator and I would like to investigate which one of them is the worst one of them all. Hitler who was Fuhrer for Germany is infamous for his doings in World War II and his killing of Jewish people. We will write a custom essay sample on World History: The Worst Dictator of Them All or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then there is Stalin who caused the great terror in USSR and used cunning schemes to achieve his goals and was a key person during the Cold War. Finally there is Mao Zedong the great Chinese revolutionist who fought against the Chinese Nationalist Party and changed China in many ways using many social and economic policies. I will be judging â€Å"worst dictator† by the amount of death, social and economic problems caused during their rule and will also consider the rise to their power as a basis to judge these three dictators. I will be giving worst dictator to whoever has the most death and worst social and economic problems considering their position. In the social and economic problems caused it will be mainly be the leader create talking about policies and whether or not it was successful or not. I will also take in the consideration of propaganda used by dictators to influence the people’s trust. Firstly, Mao Zedong the President of the People’s Republic China or formerly known Chairman of the People’s Republic China started out to be a mere librarian working in a Chinese college. He then joins the Chinese communist party that rebels against the existing ruling Nationalist party in China, the KMT. Mao led his rebels across china fighting and running away from the KMT. However in October 1st of 1949 he creates the People’s Republic of China and turns China into communist. Many Chinese liked and followed him due to his status as legendary revolutionist who bettered the poor and fought for the people who could not fight. In 1958, he sets out to do the Great Leap Forward, which was simply put a 5-year plan type of scheme where the goal was to modernize China radically. This reformation involved large agricultural communes and about 75,000 farmers, these communes did their own collective farms and families. Following Marxist principles all wages were equally shared amongst the families in the commune. Each family also received a small strip of land. However by 1962 this reformation stopped due to Soviet Union could not afford to back up China and this failure caused Mao to resign from his post as Chairman of PRC. Many had died of starvation and about 50 million died at this point. Even though he resigned Mao was openly still playing politics, in 1966 he would start an initiative called the Great Cultural Revolution. Ap World History Units 1-3 Study Guide iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="1IAr6z5MHK" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Ap World History Units 1-3 Study Guide#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe This involved in the Chinese government allowing critics of the government to openly speak out against the government and China. This was totally against what Mao had installed when he was Chairman, he took away all forms of freedom of speech and had installed many Marxist ideas that were implied by Soviet Union. After the critics finished criticizing the government and Mao, he gathered up college students and made them attack the critics. Proclaiming that these student body were the Red Guard, who had a responsibility to protect China, Mao started ordering unexplainable orders. During this time there was a politician by the name of Liu Shiaoqi who had notions of wage differentiation and freedom of speech. Mao gave out orders such as banning education, never to consider intellectuals as superiors, and killed roughly around 78 million Chinese people by this time (including Tibet incident). However this was all indirect killing. He then gave almost all his power to the Gang of Four who caused many troubles and the Chinese public despised them. Everyone liked Mao even though he killed so many people and caused so many disturbances. His image as great revolutionary leader is still believed today by many Chinese people and much of his wrongdoings is erased from Chinese history. Mao Zedong’s points are his mass murder of his own people and destruction of class system, which caused many problems, while rising to power his cunning ideas and tactics are admirable, and he always fought for the peasants at all times which is considered as a good thing. Even though he killed many people all these killings were accidental or more like unplanned. He also had a cult of personality, which still exists today. Next is Josef Stalin the General secretary of the Central Committee of the communist Party. This man succeeded Lenin who was the leader of USSR and first ever man to successfully implement communism into a country and was considered a Great revolutionist. He rose to power from his position as a secretary of the party to Leader of USSR by using Lenin’s cult of personality and pretending to be number one disciple. He would team up with his opponents who wanted his position against one main army then change up his teams. In this way he would always be on the winning side and his opponents never considered him a big threat, in this way he tricked and conned his way to become one of the most ruthless leaders USSR has ever seen. After his consolidation of power he soon worked on getting rid of all opponents and all future opponents. He first got rid of Leon Trotsky who was Lenin’s second in command to Mexico. Then one by one he got rid of all intellectuals in USSR. Soon he was the only one in USSR with any proper intellect. This purge of Intellectuals depleted USSR’s brainpower completely. After getting rid of the brainpower in USSR he started to implements plan to modernize USSR. His goal was to be able to stand side by side against the Capitalist nations. You read "World History: The Worst Dictator of Them All" in category "Papers" To achieve these goals he used death camps called Gulags to maintain a rigid control over all counterrevolutionary actions. Then killed the kulak, landlords who owned farm property, and then killed any peasants have any success. In this way Stalin created a mass famine, which killed 23,000,000 people. Unlike Mao, he did this on purpose due to his fear of counterrevolutionaries and opposition to his power. While Stalin boasted that USSR was having successful economic situations during the Great depression in America parts of Ukraine did not have food and many died. After this incident, he acted a major part in ending the World War II. They defeated the Nazis who invaded European country. However Stalin ordered Russian army to stay put in the country they had just liberated from the Nazis. In this way he was able to procure Satellite states. In the Tehran and Yalta meetings amongst the Big Three, he was able to argue equally amongst Churchill and Roosevelt. In this way he was allowed to keep satellite states however the next American president and Stalin did not get along as well. Eventually Cold war started and Stalin implemented mass production of arms. He died on 1953. Even though his methods were harsh he was able to modernize USSR into a world power that was at one point equal to America. Stalin is still considered as a hero amongst some Russians, this is mainly due to history books in Russia do not talk about Stalin’s misdeeds. His misguided methods were very harsh however it produced results, which Stalin sought for. His mass murder of 23,000,000 people was done on purpose unlike Mao, which makes him a very scary man. Stalin’s personality was one of a calculative and methodical almost like a serial killer. He wanted to satisfy his own goals, which was to be better than the Capitalist nation, mainly America. Stalin’s points are that he killed many people during the modernization of USSR, his cunning methods when he was rising to power, his method to spread communism by using satellite states, and he also made USSR into a Super Power. His successor Nikita had to use De-Stalinization due to Stabilize USSR and make sure it was a safer place to be in. Finally, Adolf Hitler the most famous mass murder and mastermind behind World War II. His genocide of Jewish people is famous amongst all people. He was a painter in Vienna before he formed the Nazi party. He looked for rich patrons to support his work but the Jewish patrons, most patron are Jewish. However they all rejected him and his hatred towards Jewish people started to grow. He then joins a political party and later on forms the Nazi party. He becomes the leader of this party and leads the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. He was arrested in this event and then held at prison for 5 years. He wrote his book â€Å"Mein Kampf † and starts to scheme political methods to get his revenge on the Jews. His pride as Germans started rising and he became very Nationalistic after the Great depression which caused the Germany to fall down with America due to the huge debts owed by Germany given out by America. This was to pay war reparations to other countries, from World War I. Hitler saw this as a sign of weakness on America’s part and started to do special speeches to the German people using carefully rehearsed speeches. In this way the Nazi party was elected to German Reichstag. Soon Hitler massed enough influence to become Chancellor of Germany and switched took over instead for democracy he becomes the Dictator of Germany and creates a one party state. Soon he felt compelled to take back what was rightfully German and took back Rhineland. Then soon took Austria, next came Czechoslovakia and then the other European nations started to feel threatened and attacked Germany. This was the start to World War II however before all this when Hitler was just the President of Germany he used his SS to destroy and harass all Jewish people and objects. He used terms as sub-human and started the mass genocide of Jews in Europe, this lead to about twelve million Jews dead. Hitler was a very nationalistic person and could not be considered sane considering the fact that he took revenge by climbing to the top most position in Germany which he used to say he was against and then killing twelve million innocent Jews are serial killer kind of actions. His points are his sudden rise to power and he was just plain crazy. As a dictator he was just crazy compared to the other two dictators. I think the worst dictator goes to Mao Zedong, due to mass murder of seventy-eight million people and being a former intellectual but still destroying all beings proclaiming to be intelligent is beyond comprehension. Even though he wanted to modernize China and help out the peasants and make everyone equal, there is no point in destroying the education system and making a group of people suffer just to make another group happy. Also the fact that he was a former librarian just makes it all the worse he should have realized the value in having intelligent people. Unlike Hitler who was crazy I think Mao Zedong as he became older became senile and dumb which is why he started the Great Cultural Revolution. Also even though his actions before becoming Chairman of China was very calculative after he became Chairman of China he seems to lack importance to life. He does not care about how many people die just for his policies to work. Which just shows a crazy person or a sick person’s mind. However I believe he just turned senile and slowly lost his edge. How to cite World History: The Worst Dictator of Them All, Papers

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